We will analyze how to bring the product to market after efficacy of the vaccine vector has been shown in studies. We will follow a strict plan regarding steps and dependencies including RACI (Responsible, Accountable, Consulted, Informed) and SIPOC (Suppliers, Inputs, Process, Output and Customers) of the whole process, going from idea/lead to product. There are quite a number of unmet needs from a Mycoplasma vaccine perspective. The first is to have an effective vaccine against mastitis. Specifically, these should be against M. bovis, the most common cause of Mycoplasma mastitis and estimated to be responsible for about 50% or more of the cases of mastitis caused by mycoplasma, as well as against M. bovigenitalium, M. canadense, M. californicum and M. alkalescens, which also affect cattle. Another gap is an efficacious vaccine against contagious agalactia, caused by M. agalactiae, a disease of sheep and goats that is characterized by mastitis, arthritis and keratoconjunctivitis and with devastating effect on the Mediterranean sheep and goat dairy industry. In addition to vaccines, the chassis generated here could have other uses, such as for instance to generate a delivery system for therapeutical applications (e.g. in cell reprogramming, cell therapy, for antibiotics, etc.).